Spring River

April 9, 2012

Spring River” will be at the Toronto Art Expo.

Toronto Art Expo, is a premier event celebrating the value of fine art in our lives.

With over 200 distinguished Canadian and International artists and galleries from 12 countries, this weekend of art has become a destination for selective art connoisseurs from all over North America and Europe.

Is the Toronto Art Expo your destination? 




If You Step On A Crack . . .

February 13, 2012

Remember the children’s rhyme about sidewalks, “If you step on a crack . . .”?

Recently, I overheard two youngsters share about stepping on shadows to see if the tree would howl. They were walking on a snowy trail under a bright sunny midday sky. Each shadow they approached was a gleeful opportunity to test what they knew must be true.

Did they really hear the tree howl?

This Calgary artist has painted many winter landscapes filled with light and shadows but I’ve never heard the trees howl. But next time I’m out painting in Fish Creek Provincial Park I will listen closely just to be sure.



Jim Pescott is an international contemporary artist who lives and works in Calgary, Alberta. To contact Jim directly about his paintings, or a project you think about, please phone 403-870-0591 or email him at paintwithdots@shaw.ca His website is http://www.jimpescott.com

I’m soon travelling to Paris where I’m a Canadian delegate at an international art exhibition of paintings and sculpture: the prestigious Salon 2011 de la Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts (SNBA).

“Antarctica Shoreline” is a juried selection by the SNBA to be displayed at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France, from December 7th to December 11th. Needless to say I’m honoured to be a delegate and very pleased the SNBA jury chose a work from the Antarctica series.


Following the exhibition in Paris, I travel to Florence, Italy, with paintings for another international exhibition: “Symphony of Colors” from December 10th to 17th. This too feels an honour.



Hostile, simply not habitable: “harsh” in itself being an understatement. Yet so prescious to the earth and to life. This coastline seems like no other I’ve ever  witnessed. When I first saw this place I was lost for words at the spectre of imagining how one, as a single human, might fathom the mere existance of such ice and vastness. Then, within it all, as I gazed out through the blue clear air toward these dense frozen sculptures, elements of attachment slowly seeped into my being as though I was existing with them.

“Antarctic Shoreline” is a real place on the coast of the Antarctica Peninsula. I’ve been there and I’ve seen it ( during the summer season). This is a snapshot really: the ice constantly changes in sync with glacial flows. At times the metamorphosis is stark as vast sections break away and plunge into the ocean.

“Antartica Shoreline” will be exhibited in Paris, France, in December 2011 at the Salon SNBA 2011 (Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts)to be held in the Carrousel du Louvre.