Blue Coffee

November 14, 2012

Blue coffee tastes much like regular coffee. The same for red coffee. Yellow too.

I’ve tried them all and, while colours haven’t caught on with boutique coffee haunts, I wonder if someday the experience will be available to everyone. If so, the colours will hopefully have a source other than acrylic paint from tubes as my coffee spectrum involves.

Coffee is my companion in the studio: not sure of its role in the creative process but it seems to have opinions. Acrylic paint is water soluble and in this there no preference on water source. If the mug is too close to the palate, a paint brush inevitably will be swished in caffeine for cleaning rather than the clear water close by.

Creativity moves my thoughts to places unknown and a clean brush, when you need one, is a clean brush. The solution is to cover the mug.

Imbibing rainbow coffee happens often at a cafe I enjoy. People go to cafes for lunch: I go to this cafe to paint, make new friends, and joy the coffee as I’ve done for many years.

The small round cafe table means a paintbox is essential for supplies and as an easel. All this in a confined space seems so unavoidably aligned for coffee colouring. A go-cup with a lid is essential.

Given the options available, my favourite coffee is black.

Cafe Painting

February 11, 2012

The photo is a painting in process. It is about eighty percent done but I never really know until I get that point with a painting. The canvas is resting against the lid of a wooden paint box that serves as an easel. In this photo I’m not painting in my studio: the setting is the London Fog Cafe in Calgary, Alberta.

Painting at this cafe is a tradition in a random way as I try to be there once a week but it never happens on the same day of the week and then some weeks I’m not in town. Seems all about going wth the flow as best as I can tell.

About ten years ago, the then owner of London Fog Cafe asked me to display my paintings on the walls for a month. It actually turned out to be my first show ever and I sold seven paintings during the 30 days. The rest as the say is history: last December I had work at the Carrousel du Louvre, in Paris.

I still display paintings at London Fog Cafe (see third photo of cafe images). This Calgary artist has known four London Fog owners over the years: the current owners, Pat and Len make some great soup and sandwiches. And I personally love the butterscotch cookies!

If you are in Calgary, and close by, I hope you can drop by the London Fog Cafe. Catching me there is always possible but not for sure.



To contact Jim Pescott call him direct at 403-870-0591 or email