Movie From My Window

January 6, 2013


The first light touching the earth where I live following the darkness of night. A vivid blessing of illumination. A breathless experience of splendour.

My home is well situated for this: each day a large kitchen window shares a sunrise as I sip on coffee. Open the curtains and through this window, like on a large movie screen, an amazing episode presents light, energies and colours as only Nature creates. Visual ecstacy with, or without, the caffeine.

How to express this artistically is my current wonder. Large canvas, small canvas, does it really matter?

And as the canvas tells me what it wants, will Nature allow access to the precious colours as I mix the paints.

Energies are the catalyst: thank-you Nature for this wisdom. Yes, the energies of each sunrise touch my heart deeply.

So I will paint the sunrise in many ways: many versions. Wild expressions of energy. Vibrant abstractions of heavenly colours. Delicate calm spiritual moments. All meditations.

The journey begins.
A landscape painter, considered a pointillism master, Jim creates in Calgary, Alberta. For more, see his facebook page

Tomorrow, at 4am, I leave Calgary for a drive across the Canadian Prairies to Manitoba. Done this many times over the years and each time I can’t wait to start heading toward the sunrise. The time I spend in Saskatchewan will be stage lights bright. And the sun will be low in the western when I arrive in Winnipeg. Lots of road coffee on this journey.

Driving across the prairies brings place names that in themselves seem adventures. Moose Jaw, Portage la Praire, Medicine Hat, Indian Head, Swift Current and many, many more places like this chart the journey. When I’m in Brandon it always feels to me I’m mid-point between the west coast and the east coast of Canada. One things is for sure, arriving at Brandon, Manitoba, means two hours remain to Winnipeg after a long day on the highway.

On the prairies it seems you can see off to the edge of the earth as you drive. The hush of the vastness is compelling. Spirit seems everywhere.
I’m going to Manitoba to seek out some paintings, so canvas and paints are my travelling companions. A couple cameras will do the trip too. Will also meet up with some gallery friends in Winnipeg and Gimli.
Let’s meet up on FaceBook

Jim Pescott is an international contemporary artist: he lives and creates in Calgary, Alberta. Email is Phone 403-870-0591. Website

In A Yellow Wood

March 13, 2012

Love to experience of a place like this whether during a hike or on a path within my thoughts. Colours, lights and smells rolled up in sensations as I pass through, carefully, not to disturb the essense of things.

People write about experiences like this. I paint them.

American poet, Robert Frost, wrote two roads diverge in a yellow wood” and somehow touches me as I paint. The spectre and foreshadowing all dwell within the trees as he continues reflecting.

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden back.

Wondering about trees in your world and what transpires for you.



Jim Pescott is an international contemporary artist who lives and works in Calgary Alberta. To contact Jim directly about his paintings, or a project you think about, please phone 403-870-0591 or email him at His website is

I paint on location and sometimes from photo sources. Often I paint from within.

The canvas was painted over a few hours while this Calgary artist listened to Blues through earbuds connected to Slacker Radio playing on my BlackBerry. I never look up: there is no question of what goes where or how something should be. Colours reached out from the palette. Everything unfolds in layers and layers.

The place feels familiar but it is no where I know exactly. I can show you where it is but it isn’t the same place.

When I paint from within it is very much connected to somewhere I’ve seen either in this lifetime, or perhaps, in another lifetime. Not sure.

Have you seen this place?



Jim Pescott is an international contemporary artist who lives and creates in Calgary, Alberta. To contact Jim directly about his paintings, or a project you think about, please phone 403-870-0591 or email him at His website is

Image Junkie !!!

February 16, 2012

I’m basically an image junkie!

I paint on canvas, I take photographs: there’s always, always an image meditation in my thoughts.

The sunrise photo with this blog post was a quick shot taken with my BlackBerry camera a couple mornings ago. And now the photo is saved with a few thousand other images on my mobile phone. Actually the satisfaction is in getting the photo: I might t see the image again except this time I sought it out to share with you.

This is a lot like what happens when I paint from in my thoughts except I don’t go back looking for the photo in my archives for a reference. I simply source an impression of something in my thoughts and the rest happens from there. When the memory impression fades away the meditation of the painting is finished.  

If this Calgary artist were to paint such a sunrise image for you, the impression on the canvas would be from my thoughts and the echoes of the sunrise would be felt vibrantly.

What images tempt you?



Jim Pescott is an international contemporary artist who lives and works in Calgary, Alberta. Jim paints with dotsI a contemporary pointillist style. To contact Jim directly about his paintings, or about a commision project you have in mind, please phone 403-870-0591, or email him at His website is at

Just A Few Hours Ago

February 2, 2012

Finally home after travelling in January. Spent some time in New York City with my paintings at an international exhibition in Chelsea. The paintings found a new home as this Calgary artist met lots of people and connected with a gallery in Soho. I walked everywhere and must say that no one walks against signal lights like Manhattan pedestrians who simply go with the flow.

The trip home to Calgary was a long flight. And I arrived back in the early morning to sit in my studio to witness a breathtaking sunrise. It seemed impossible to believe I’d been on the Avenue of the Americas just a few hours ago. 
